Report : Investigate : Action
Every accusation will be taken seriously and responded to within the procedures listed in this document. We allow and encourage self-reporting, if any leaders have knowingly committed an offense and seek to begin the difficult process of healing and justice.
1. Submit your completed report to - Only members of the reporting committee** will have any access to the reporting email address.
2. A page shall be added to our website that is maintained as accessible to the general public, containing these policies, and clear instructions for making a report. Instructions will be given to include the following items in the email:
3. Name of the person who is subject of this report – “who was inappropriate?”
A. The date(s) and location(s) of the incident(s): A description of what occurred (or what you heard directly from a victim or witness of the incident)
B. Indicate if any attempt to confront the individual has occurred, and – if so – how did they respond.
C. Sign with your name and contact phone number (this is confidential information, and will only be seen by the members of the reporting committee. If they determine that your involvement in the investigation becomes necessary, then they will contact you to request your participation and permission to disclose your identity only to those listed in writing, and only with prior written consent by you.) *If your report involves any criminal activity and demands the immediate intervention of law enforcement, please dial 911 and report the crime. If you would like to discuss the issue with a member of the Wildfire reporting committee to determine if the activity is criminal, please submit your report and you will be contacted.
**Only seen by Gabrielle Leonard and Tom Anthony, if one of these individuals is the subject of your report, please email the Executive director (, - who will immediately share the report directly with the member of the reporting committee who is not named in the report, and proceed with investigation and action)
4. Thank you for your courageous willingness to hold others accountable, and to stand up for your dignity or the dignity of someone else. Your report will be responded to within 48 hours.
5. Upon receipt of any report, Gabriel Leonard and Tom Anthony will review, and respond to the reporter with confirmation of receipt.
6. If the Executive Director is the subject of report, then they will immediately notify the board, and the entire board (other than executive director and anyone related to the executive director) will join the reporting committee for that report and convene ASAP (no later than 14 days from receipt) to investigate and take action.
7. If the Executive Director is not the subject of the report, then the executive director will be notified upon receipt of the report and join the reporting committee for the investigation and actions regarding that report.
The investigation will consider biblical procedures for church discipline, and seek to uphold any relevant civil and criminal laws. It will also remain confidential: involving only those individuals who need to know or are named in the report as witnesses. Any mention of the name of the reporter and/or the victim will be with the prior written permission of the reporter and/or victim.
1. The reporting committee will contact the author of the report to clarify any questions regarding the incident.
2. Within 72 hours, the Reporting Committee will consult and develop a written plan for investigation.
3. The Reporting Committee will complete the investigation, including a written report of all their findings,
as soon as possible (goal of 14 days).
4. The Reporting Committee will develop a pastoral care plan for the victim(s) listed in the report,
5. The Reporting Committee will work with any direct supervisors of the accused to develop an appropriate disciplinary action.
The goal of any action will be swift and proper care to help any victims experience healing, including the enactment of appropriate justice for their cause. For the accused, we seek full confession, sincere repentance, a restoration plan, and eventual reconciliation.
No person (regardless of whether the report is confirmed or not) will be allowed to continue to serve in any leadership capacity within the Wildfire Network if they do not submit and cooperate fully with the reporting committee, including their investigation and any recommended actions.
The Care plan will be implemented and overseen by the reporting committee
Within 24 hours of confirmation of a report, any confirmed incidents will result in immediate disciplinary action as deemed appropriate by the reporting committee, up to and including probation, termination, removal from board of directors, and expulsion from the Network.
Any confirmed or suspected behavior that violates laws, will be reported to local law enforcement.
“Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed.” John 3:20
"But there is nothing covered up that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known. Luke 12:2
The executive director may not make any unilateral changes to this policy once it has been ratified by the board of directors. Any edits or changes must be voted upon and approved by the board prior to taking effect. .