
Monthly Manna for the Missionary Journey

taylor rogers taylor rogers

Are you Significant?

Remember, the same God who uniquely knit you together in your mother’s womb is carefully crafting the whole body of Christ.

From creatives and doctors to homeless ministers and missionaries, pastors, caretakers for addicts, and the elderly—there's a rich tapestry of the Body of Christ represented within our organization. Makes me think about our physical bodies like the Apostle Paul did when he was writing what we know today as 1 Corinthians. In chapter 12 verses 14-26 he tells them (paraphrasing) that the human body consists of many limbs and organs….

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taylor rogers taylor rogers

Holding on to Hope in Jesus

There are many times in our lives when, in the midst of serving others, we find ourselves in great need of hope. We face great adversity, suffer the challenges of ministry, and even experience deeply personal heartbreak. In those moments, we must hold onto our hope in Christ Jesus!

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Gabrielle Leonard Gabrielle Leonard

Finding Light in the Darkness of Disorientation

Have you become disoriented as the chaos unfolds?

Whether burdened by weighty leadership decisions, grappling with the devastating effects of war, confronting the fallout of betrayal, or wading through the depths of loneliness, the collective yearning for clarity, peace, and hope has never been stronger…

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taylor rogers taylor rogers

Grace like the Sun

I personally have been deeply challenged and inspired by the faith of men and women who have followed Christ throughout the millennia since Jesus ascended, and I find special satisfaction when I turn over a rock of history and uncover gems that I’ve never seen or heard of before. Margery Kempe, a woman born in England in 1373, is one of those recently discovered characters for me.

In a fuel letter I don’t have time to share her own story – so you’ll have to look that up if you are interested. In short, her deep and personal encounters with Christ led her to a deep sense of personal repentance, and also compelled her to weep frequently as an act of worship. Her weeping often led to words that convicted those who heard them to produce repentance in their own lives. However, a lot of the people who she met didn’t get it…

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taylor rogers taylor rogers

Understanding Annointing

We've all heard it said, "He's really walking in his anointing," or "She's so anointed to do this or that." And while it's true, and this language is rooted in God's word, and it's pretty cool when we feel like we're right there, smack in the middle of God's plan for our lives.

We often tie that feeling of being "anointed" to doing things right or ticking off divine to-do lists or to some kind of demonstration of spiritual power. When it comes to assessing anointing, let’s shift our eyes away from us and our performance, and onto the shepherd…

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taylor rogers taylor rogers

God’s Heart = God’s Timing

We often hear that David was a man after God's own heart, and it rings true. The question that often puzzled me was, "weren't all the heroes we read about in the Bible pursuing God's heart as well?" The answer is yes, but David stood out because he understood …

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taylor rogers taylor rogers

Imagine a Flower

Imagine a flower. A yellow flower; a daisy. Imagine it comfortably swaying in the wind, securely anchored in the ground. A gentle breeze causes it to ripple along with the nearby grass as butterflies dance around the other wildflowers. Then suddenly without warning, alas! The lovely flower is plucked from its place of comfort…

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taylor rogers taylor rogers


As I write this letter, I am reminded of the first time I heard the voice of the Lord call me to ministry. The year was 1996, and I got locked up in a tiny jail cell. On the third day, I stumbled across a newsletter…

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taylor rogers taylor rogers

You Don’t Know You’re Beautiful

“She don’t know she’s beautiful” was a 1993 hit country song. It’s an ode to a beautiful woman who doesn’t see herself in the same way that other people see her – exceptionally, captivatingly, and wholly beautiful. Though most of you who will read this letter will be surprised to hear it: This is a song that Jesus sings over you. Until the final curtain of eternity is torn, and judgment day exposes the true nature of things, you may not know how beautiful you truly are.

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taylor rogers taylor rogers

You can’t do it all…

We can’t do it all, and that’s okay!

We aren’t superhuman beings that never need to rest or eat or can go for days without having to recharge. We aren’t supposed to be all things to all people, only God can be that. God has surrounded us with a Network of amazing people along with the blessing of family and friends that we each have in our corner. It’s okay to ask for help…

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Gabrielle Leonard Gabrielle Leonard

Facing Goliath

Jesus has called YOU. He knows you aren’t qualified. He knows you weren’t invited by man to face this foe. Your expertise was not requested.

No one said, “Oh! You know who we should call…[insert your name].”

But here you are, facing Goliath because Jesus called your name.

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taylor rogers taylor rogers


Do you feel alone or isolated in the work that God has called you to do? Do you ever feel weak, afraid, or discouraged?

If so, you share something in common with many of the heroes of faith we read about in the scriptures: You need a word from God.

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